NCIC Achievements
- 2014-To-date the curriculum has been rolled out in 1200 schools across the 47 counties, reaching 500,000 students/pupils and 1000 teachers
- The capacity building sessions conducted annually to the teachers and students has enhanced their capacities in conflict resolutions within their peers and the communities
- Issues on national values and integration has been enshrined in the new education curriculum.
- Through the engagement with the Ministry of Education, Twaweza Communications and Google Kenya, the Commission has also established a virtual and human networks dubbed “ Amani Google Bridges”.
- The online platform has enabled the Commission to provide a model for bridging the divides between people, communities and cultures through technology. This program is running in 10 schools in five counties (Mombasa, Kwale, Kisumu , Nairobi and Migori)
- The Commission has continued to promote tolerance, peace and respect for diversity through the use of mass media engagements mainly print, radio, television and social media platforms
- From 2015 - 2017, the Commission scaled up media engagements to dissuade Kenyans from engaging in hate mongering, emotive- ethicized politics, intolerance to diversity.
- This was done through Print, Radio &T.V, campaigns; social media platforms; press conferences, talk-shows and interviews; outdoor Advertising through Billboards; and Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Materials:
- Successful investigations of complaints on hate speech and ethnic contempt have enabled the Commission to secure prosecution of high-level personalities e.g. the famous pangani six;
- The Commission has recommended to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) the prosecution of over 3000 individuals since inception for the offences of hate speech and ethnic contempt;
- While only three convictions have been secured, the investigations in themselves serve as a deterrence to hate speech related offences;
- The Commission has consistently sensitized the public on hate speech and ethnic contempt both of which are new offences under the Kenyan laws. To-date over 3000 police officers have been trained and made contributions to NCIC’s investigations efforts;
- A multi-agency working group has also been established to deal with hate speech, ethnic contempt, incitement to violence and related offences ahead of 2017 General elections
- Increased knowledge and transformational practice on national reconciliation, cohesion and integration;
- Strengthening good governance and implementation of the Constitution through emphasis on equitable access to public resources;
- Promoting research and monitoring of the status and trends of national peace and stability and advising the relevant state agencies;
- Facilitating of laws, policies and practices that counter ethnic, racial and religious tensions;
- Organizational growth and development;
- Promoting accountability with all public institutions;
- Transformation of youth and children to embrace cohesion through the establishment of Amani (Peace) Clubs in all learning institutions;
- Enhancing visibility and mandate of NCIC through media campaigns;
- Facilitating peace charters for joint reconciliation and healing forums;
- Enforcing and facilitating peaceful coexistence through peace dialogue and mediation forums among different ethnic, racial and religious groups in various communities;
- Capacity building of institutions and women through training to play a key role in enhancing peaceful coexistence, mediation and reconciliation;
- Promotion of conflict reporting through training of key journalists and editors.