
The Procurement section is responsible for acquisition of goods, works and services for the Commission. This function is carried out in strict adherence to the Public Procurement and Disposal Act, 2005 and the Public Procurement and Disposal Regulations, 2006. Its functions include;

  • Maintain and update annually standing lists of registered tenderers required by the procuring entity;
  • Prepare, publish and distribute procurement and disposal opportunities including invitations to tender, pre-qualification documents and invitations for expressions of interest;
  • Co-ordinate the receiving and opening of tender documents;
  • Co-ordinate the evaluation of tenders, quotations and proposals;
  • Implement the decisions of the procurement, tender and disposal committees, including coordinating all activities of these committees;
  • Monitor contract management by user departments to ensure implementation of contracts in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contracts;
  • Co-ordinate internal monitoring and evaluation of the supply chain function;
  • Act as a secretariat to the tender, procurement and disposal committees;

Contact Details

National Cohesion and Integration Commission

Britam Towers, 17th Floor, Hospital Rd, Upper Hill

P. O. Box 7055-00100 Nairobi

Telephone Contacts

0702 777 000


Toll free SMS : 1547

Facebook: National Cohesion and Integration Commission

Twitter: NCIC_Kenya

Location Map